Monday 7 August 2017

6 things I learnt at University

University has come to an end and I am currently experiencing the 'post uni depression'. I feel sad and isolated but at the same time extremely proud and happy to say that I finally have a degree! Those three years have gone tremendously fast and I am going to share with you some of the things I have learnt along the way. I wrote a post back in 2015 on my  6 tips to surviving the first day at uni and it's crazy that I am now sharing with you my 6 tips on my whole uni experience.

I went to uni not knowing who I was going to meet, where I'd be right now and if I would even come out with a degree. But I can certainly say that those three years have definitely been worth the stress, tears and debt. 

1) Your friends are VERY important
Don't take them for granted!

My friends helped me a lot throughout my uni experience. Without them I would have no one to moan and stress to about the amount of work I had or help me decide on an outfit for every night out. I was lucky enough to have gained a lovely group of friends who stayed with me from first to third year and who I will stay friends with forever. Not only did we support each other through the dreaded dissertation and long days in the library but we supported each other through personal issues. Your friends at uni basically turn into your replacement parents. Even the small things like cooking a meal together or doing your makeup on a night out. They will keep you sane and will be there for you no matter what. Oh and also to warn you that the boy you like is probably a massive fuck boy.

Me, Izzy, Jack and Holly held monthly 'Come Dine With Me' evenings at our houses, it was a great way of spending some time with close friends. 

2) To get involved 

Before uni I was very shy. The thought of living with 6 other people in halls who I had never met before was a terrifying thought. I remember arriving on my first day and telling myself to pretend that I was a confident 18 year old who was going to say yes to everything and I think it worked! I said yes to every night out (maybe too many) and always went for that drink or coffee with course mates. I even went to the Netball try outs (lol). I hated it but at least I can say I tried and it wasn't for me. Get involved, try new things and meet as many people as you can.

3) Don't get held back 
By bad friendships or relationships

You meet so many people at uni and you will soon realise that you can't be friends with everyone. People may not like you and you may not like them, and that is completely fine. But do not get held back by people because of what they think. You want to go out and get drunk? then go. You want to go out and pull? then do it. You want to go and join a society? go and sign up! You only do uni once so do it your way.

4) Balance
You will need that double gin and tonic now and again but you also need that degree

Your time at uni will be mainly centred around studying and spending hours in the library but you need to get the balance right. I spent my days studying and my night time relaxing. This worked for me as I didn't feel stressed or guilty that I hadn't done any work, but don't over do it! If you don't let yourself have a break then you will literally combust. You need time to wind down - whether that be watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones or drinking litres of snake bite on a night out. 

5) It's okay to not know what you are doing 

When it comes to third year the dreaded question, "So what are you going to do with your degree?" gets asked time and time again. I remember some of my family asking me and my reply (in my head) was "um...I actually have no idea?!". The question triggered a lot of stress as I literally had no idea what I was doing but that is completely fine! There are SO many options, which for someone who is very indecisive like me can be a bad thing. Take your time and think about what is right for you, don't rush into anything.

6) Do not compare yourselves to others
My most important tip

This is SO easy to do and the worst thing you can do. University is extremely fun but it is like a little bubble segregated away from the real world. Compared to home life I felt that everything at uni was heightened; in terms of how you look and how you act. It was weird and I don't really know how to explain it or if anyone else relates to this? Throughout the three years I put so much pressure on myself about how I looked and how well I was doing in terms of grades. "I don't look like them" or "I don't do as well as everyone else" I would say to myself. It was not healthy and ridiculous as at the end of the day who really cares if I'm not as toned or flawless as other girls or if I'm not getting firsts in everything? You are not ugly and you are not stupid. You are your own person so do you! My best nights out were when I didn't have a care in the world and at the end of the night I was too drunk to even think about what I looked like. Uni is amazing so HAVE FUN and remember you are fine as you are.

Sian. X

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